First Laser Lunar Meeting

The first Lunar Laser Meeting (LLR 2023) will take place on 14-15 sept 2023 in Grasse.

Lunar Laser ranging has provided observations since the early days of laser ranging. Despite of a number of notable achievements, we have to note that LLR has comparatively little visibility among all the techniques of space geodesy. This has most likely to do with the detrimental fact that the group of users and producers of observations are rather disconnected from each other.

Therefore the first LLR meeting wishes to bring both the producers, the users and the science behind lunar laser ranging together in order to join our efforts and resources, to define goals and enhance the visibility for a LLR community and last but not least to identify synergies and to plan for the future. In other words, we wish to encourage every group to help and form a visible global community

First Lunar laser meeting 2023